Frame Wild Bouquet


Step into a world of floral with our decorated frames! Picture this: delicate dry flowers, artfully arranged in the form of a charming bouquet.

The contrast of vibrant blooms against the black backdrop creates a stunning visual impact, allowing you to appreciate the rich hues of the flowers in every detail.

*As each creation is unique, there may be slight variations depending on the availability.

  • Done Express courier: €10 for the whole of Belgium (free for purchases of €75 or more)
  • Done Cab express: €18 for the 19 communes of Brussels
  • Done Workshop pick-up: free of charge


13cm x 18cm

Delivery time:

Bpost: 2 to 3 days.
Express cab: same day.
Customer pick-up: on the agreed day.

*Each creation is made with care after receipt of the order. Please allow 2 to 3 days for delivery.


Best to keep away from windows and in a dry environment to protect the colors.
Dry flowers normally last for years. They bear witness to memories and important moments in life. Like a book or a photograph, the color slowly evolves over time.


The creations of dry flowers cannot be exchanged, refunded or returned after delivery.

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